Group exhibition in collaboration with DebSaysYes and Huis van de Fotografie
We speak about our bodies, about Western beauty ideals, cultures and misconceptions. Our body, our story. With all the freckles, wrinkles, scars and other perfect imperfections, it tells us who we are, who we want to be, what we are looking for. Our existence seems malleable, but beneath the surface it churns. We are nature, we are unpredictable.
Everything changes and we change with it or turn away. We allow ourselves to be overwhelmed and take care of nature, human nature. We take it into our homes, sometimes against our better judgment. We dream about landscapes we have never been to and feel the heat and cold on our skin. Where does the environment begin and do we stop?
In this exhibition, the artists seek similarities between body and environment. we connect ourselves to nature, but where are we at home? are we one in our existence on earth or are we turning the wrong way?
With works of: Zan van Alderwegen, Vivian Ammerlaan, Jesse van den Berg, Angeniet Berkers, Peter Blok, Kimberly Dias, van de Camp & Heesterbeek, Dale Grant, Madlen Herrström, Willem van den Hoed, Jacobien de Korte, Hilde Maassen, Sevilay Maria, George Meertens, Opoku Mensah, Christel Mitchell, Annabel Oosteweeghel, Astrid van Rijn, Janita Sassen, Izaak Slagt, Joran van Soest, Remy Tilburg, Sabine van der Vooren en Esmee van Zeeventer.