High Yellow, Light-Skinned, Redbone, Oreo. Purple Black, Blue Black, Midnight, Monkey.
These are examples of names that are given to people of color by people of color. Nowadays everybody is familiar with racism, but under that umbrella term hides another disqualification; colorism. This aims at the division between different skin tones within, in this case, the black community.
In searching for its origins, it became obvious that the system ‘white supremacy’ is operating here as core problem. This system keeps the superiority of whiteness intact by marking all people of color as ‘others’. Looking at today’s colorism, it is an inevitable fact that the media are playing a decisive role in maintaining this western ideal of whiteness.
This project aims for more solidarity within the black community. To motivate others to break free of mental slavery and white perfection.
Your skin is beautiful, no matter which shade it is.
Concept & research by Jessy Koeiman
Photography by Anke Winkelmolen
Rotterdam, 2017